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Statue with Bitcoin Glasses
Stack of Books

Drink the Kool-Aid

Stock Exchange

That Kool-aid



Our Goals

The goal of using a cryptocurrency to spread awareness of determinism is to harness the financial motivation of price gains to capture attention and spark interest in the idea that all events, including human actions, are determined by prior causes. By tying the success of the coin to the rising value, the project seeks to engage a global audience, encouraging them to explore and reflect on determinism as their investments grow. As the coin’s value increases, the aim is to generate conversations and awareness around determinism, using the natural incentive of financial growth to introduce more people to this philosophical perspective.


Buy a little save the world! Or at least advance our inevitable growth from cavemen worshipping volcanoes while building a large artificial pile of money we can pull from. You know like the rich people do!

Currently the coin is available on, In the beginning small buy ins are better, so no one person has too much power to crash it

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